We have extensive experience and expertise in the field of structural mechanics and
dynamics, from both an analysis and measurement perspective. Our finite element
expertise in conjunction with our strain and vibration measurement capabilities ideally
position us to conduct structural strength, fatigue and dynamics investigations (notably
rail, transportation and mineral processing) to develop mitigation solutions.

Finite element analysis of structures and components:
- Linear static.
- Dynamic (staedy state and transient) via direct integration or modal superposition.
- Implicit non-linear static and dynamic (large displacements, plasticity, contact).
- Buckling analysis.
Structural design audits and intregrity assessment.
Strain measurement and associated stress and fatigue analysis.
Structural dynamics/vibration measurements and surveys.
Equipment and Software
Activities are supported by the following infrastructure:
- Full suite of MSC software for linear and non-linear static and dynamic finite element analysis.
- Full suite of commercial and purpose-developed software for performing data processing as well as vibration, strain and fatigue analysis software, as well as advanced coding capabilities.
- Wide range of piezo–electric accelerometers, tilt sensors and displacement transducers.
- Range of telemetry systems.
- Wide range of load cells up to 500kN.
- Comprehensive strain gauge application and cabling expertise.
- Range of HBM as well as eDAC and QuantumX data acquisitioning systems.
Relevant Standards:
AA 114001, BS 7608, BS EN 13749, ISO 2631, SANS 10162 etc.

Clients and Typical Projects
Finite element analysis and structural design audits:
- FEA and structural assessment 49000 litre semi fuel tanker in accordance with: ADR Volume 2: 2013 (road transportation, South Africa).
- Non-linear finite element analysis and structural audit of a 1500 filter press side beam connection and end plate according to SANS 10162 and BS 7608 (processing equipment, South Africa).
- Fatigue assessment and rollover certification of a troop carrier structure according to BS 7608 and ISO 3471.
- Development of finite element analysis procedure for transformer winding dynamic response (power generation, South Africa).
- Structural and fatigue assessment of a 3-axle locomotive bogie according to BS EN 13749 (freight rail, South Africa, China). Structural dynamics/vibration surveys on large scale processing equipment:
- Extensive vibration investigation and stress survey on a diamond processing vessel according to ISO 2631-2 and AA 114001 (offshore diamond mining, Namibia).
- Hydro power station shaft misalignment and stress assessment by means of strain and inductive displacement measurements (power generation, South Africa).
- Forced draft cooling tower fan vibration investigation and problem mitigation (petrochemical industry, South Africa).
- Continuous miner cutter frame input load determination via strain measurement and system identification (underground coal mining, South Africa).
- Fatigue assessment of a 100t haul truck (opencast coal mining, South Africa).
- Mission profile measurements and input load determination on a refuse removal truck (USA).
- Strain and stress assessment on a large acid tank (minerals processing, Namibia).
- Extensive vibration assessment and investigation of a crusher complex (minerals processing, Zambia).
- Load path and roller load testing on a 1570-W dragline (opencast coal mining, South Africa).
- Strain investigation and fatigue assessment on a large rope shovel excavator (open cast precious metals mining, South Africa).