Our capabilities allow us to analyse a large variety of acoustic problems in the
industrial, automotive and mining industries. This is achieved by means of a range of
instrumentation – from portable Sound Level Meters, to 3-dimensional sound
intensity probes. This instrumentation is complemented by a range of proprietary- and
internally developed software, including acoustic finite element analysis as well as a
comprehensive software library for assessments according to ISO/SANS standards.

- Unwanted noise root-cause analysis and mitigation development.
- Noise-vibration interactions.
- ISO 3744 assessments.
- Acoustic field mapping.
- Acoustic FEA.
- Noise source removal simulation.
Equipment and Software
Larson Davis real time analyser and sound level meter.
Kormann 3-dimensional sound intensity probes.
Acoustic and thermal FEA solvers to model acoustic environments in closed or open spaces.
An acoustic camera, utlising an array of microphones, a video camera and advanced post-processing software to produce a visual overlay of the coustic field.
ICP microphones, in conjunction with:
- A range of HBM data acquisitioning systems including the eDAQ and QuantumX field computers.
- Impedance tube.
- Advanced mathematical coding abilities with a range of inhouse, purpose-developed data processing and acoustic assessment software.
Relevant Standards and Guidelines
ISO 3744, ISO 9614.

Clients and Typical Projects
We are typically approached by clients operating industrial plants, defense
contractors, automotive companies, railway operators, mining equipment OEMs,
mining houses.
Technical acoustics significant projects:
- Root cause analysis of noise on a village near a mine.
- Noise characterisation of a scrubber in an underground mine.
- FEA noise prediction of a scrubber in an underground mine.
- Airflow pattern testing of a scrubber in an enclosed space.
- Acoustic and vibration analysis of an armoured personnel carrier.
- Noise and vibration impact studies for mining activities.
- Excessive noise root cause analysis at an auxiliary diesel power station.
- Root cause analysis of excessive noise in a scientific laboratory.