We possess significant expertise in the fields of human vibrations, as well as
environmental vibrations (particularly relating to environmental impact assessment).
The backbone of this effort is our array of particularly sensitive seismic accelerometers,
seatpad accelerometers and multi-channel data loggers. Once the data has been
gathered, the assessments are performed using internally developed software routines.

- Tri-axial ground vibration measurement and assessment.
- Whole-body vibration exposure measurement and assessment.
- Hand-arm vibration exposure measurement and assessment.
- Blasting-induced ground vibration estimation.
- Machinery-induced ground vibration estimation.
- Fly-rock and air overpressure estimation.
- Vibration impact assessments (typically as part of an environmental impact assessment undertaken by EAPs).
Equipment and Software
- Sensitive seismic accelerometers.
- Tri-axial industrial accelerometers.
- Tri-axial seat-pad accelerometers.
- Range of HBM data acquisitioning systems including the eDAC and QuantumX field computers.
- Software routines used for post-processing and analysis of data.
- Software routines for ground vibration propagation visualisation.
Relevant Standards and Guidelines
ISO 2631, ISO 4866, US Bureau of Mines RI 8507, US Bureau of Mines RI 8485, FRA 2012.

Clients and Typical Projects
These projects, typically performed on behalf of environmental assessment
practitioners (EAPs), scientific institutions and advanced engineering firms, rely on the
following resources:
- Comparative occupant vibration survey on railway locomotives.
- Occupant vibration survey on a range of mining machines.
- Blasting vibration assessment on a number of mines.
- Fly-rock and air overpressure assessment on a number of mines.
- Construction vibration estimation and impact assessment on water resource development project.
- Ambient ground vibration audit in an optics manufacturing facility.
- Ground vibration assessment on a building near a laboratory shaker.